Oct. 26, 2023

Quick Podcast Update

Quick Podcast Update
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The Executive Coach for Moms Podcast

Today’s episode is a quick update on The Executive Coach for Moms Podcast, including:

  1. Please share your feedback! As we’re planning episodes for 2024, we’d love to incorporate listener feedback. Tell us what you want to hear more about in written or voice format on the podcast website
  2. The Executive Coach for Moms Podcast will be moving to biweekly episodes in November & December during the holiday season.
  3. Coming soon: a new email list to keep in touch with and engage our listeners, and a January group program for women in leadership + executive moms to start off the year strong!

Listen to the episode for more details. Thank you for being a valued listener and member of The Executive Coach for Moms Podcast community!

Full transcript available here

Connect with Leanna on the podcast website: https://podcast.coachleanna.com/contact/