Jess Kitt

Jess Kitt Profile Photo

Partner, Friend & Lover of Tech

Jess Kitt (she/hers) has 10 years of experience helping companies establish customer success best practices and accomplish outcomes thru the strategic use of technology backed by data oriented decisions. Currently serving as the Director of Partners Success at Mentor Collective, Jess leads a team of individuals focused on consulting around student success practices to accelerate retention. Jess's background in leadership development and residence life has informed her sense of compassion and creativity for building equitable practices around data and student engagement. Prior to Mentor Collective, Jess worked at Campus Labs leading a team of higher education professionals focused on student engagement solutions and also worked in restaurant technology helping small to medium sized businesses grow their customer base. Jess holds a Masters in Applied Educational Psychology from Northeastern University and spends her time with her husband and two cats enjoying the great city of Buffalo, the outdoors and all things food!

Nov. 30, 2023

Rethinking our Expectations of Linear Career Paths and Navigating Unexpected Job Loss - with Jess Kitt

Jess Kitt is back for part 2 to discuss her recent departure from her executive role, examining the profound impact on her life. As a high achiever, Jess candidly explores the fears and uncertainties accompanying unexpected j...
Guest: Jess Kitt
Nov. 16, 2023

Professional Authenticity: Navigating Leadership Challenges When Values Don't Align - with Jess Kitt

Today, Leanna is joined by Jess Kitt, who is talking about her experience in her first executive role, and her recent transition out of it. They explore navigating tough waters in a male-dominated company when our values and ...
Guest: Jess Kitt