Emily-Rose Barry

Emily-Rose Barry Profile Photo

Vice President of Product / mom of 2

April 4, 2024

Powerhouse Executive Moms: Fostering Flexibility and Family-Friendly Culture for Working Parents - with Annemieke, Emily-Rose, and Kate

Leanna hosts a dynamic panel of executive moms, including Annemieke Rice, Emily-Rose Barry, and Kate Griffin, delving into the challenges of working mothers in leadership roles and remote work settings. They emphasize the imp...
Sept. 7, 2023

Conquering Imposter Syndrome: Learning to Silence Limiting Beliefs and Claim the Space We've Earned - with Emily-Rose Barry

Imposter Syndrome. It’s something that so many of us experience, especially women. It’s that crushing feeling that everybody’s going to find out we’re a fraud. That belief that we were put in our positions by accident or by l...