Dr. Corey Seemiller

Dr. Corey Seemiller Profile Photo

Professor, Author, Speaker

Dr. Corey Seemiller is a professor in the Department of Leadership Studies in Education and Organizations at Wright State University, teaching undergraduate courses in organizational leadership as well as graduate courses in leadership development and student affairs and higher education. She is the author of The Student Leadership Competencies Guidebook and associated tools and assessments to help educators develop intentional curriculum that enhances leadership competency development. She has served as an issue editor for New Directions for Student Leadership, the co-chair for the National Leadership Symposium and the Leadership Education Academy, and an associate editor of the Journal of Leadership Studies.

Dr. Seemiller also has a deep understanding of today’s young adults. She is the co-author of several articles as well as four books on Generation Z (born 1995-2010) including Generation Z: A Century in the Making, Generation Z Goes to College, Generation Z Leads, and Generation Z Learns. She also co-authored the Gen Z Voices on Voting research report and the Campus of Tomorrow report. Dr. Seemiller recently led the Gen Z Global Study where she worked with 91 research collaborators to better understand Generation Z in a post-COVID world. Participants from 81 countries took part in the study. Her book, Gen Z Around the World, was published by Emerald Publishing.

Her highly popular TED Talk on Generation Z at TEDxDayton showcased how Generation Z is making a difference in the world. Her work has been featured on NPR and in The New York Times as well as in several other news publications and academic journals. She has also been interviewed for podcasts as well as TV and radio shows worldwide.

June 13, 2024

Raising Resilient Leaders: Modeling How to Overcome Rejection to Create a Successful Life - with Dr. Corey Seemiller

Dr. Corey Seemiller joins Leanna for an inspiring and enlightening conversation this week! Corey is a leadership and higher education professor, author of 11 books, Gen Z expert, mom, avid hiker, podcast host, and an all-arou...